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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle send secret emotional message to Kate Middleton as their surprising hidden identities are uncovered



Prince Harry x Meghan Markle

You know how princes and princesses in movies sometimes dress up as commoners so they can experience life as regular Joes without everyone bowing wherever they go? Well, it seems that real-life Royals sometimes enjoy living double lives, too, and require secret identities in order to hide their true blue-blooded natures. At least, that’s what we’re discovering about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

In a rare and illuminating move, secrets of the Royal family’s security protocols have leaked, regarding the secret identities Harry and Meghan have used in the past. As per British Heritage Travel, Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral was a particularly stressful time for the family’s security, as it involved virtually the entire Royal family in one place — something that is typically prohibited as, if something terrible happened, it could wipe out the line of succession all in one.

For Harry and Meghan’s return to the U.K., then — the only time they have both set foot on British soil since 2020 — they were assigned sneaky code names. In order to keep things as clandestine as possible, the security team only referred to Harry and Meghan as “Davina and David Stevens.” The D.S. initials was a nod to their status as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Likewise, Prince William and Kate Middleton were dubbed Danny Collins and Daphne Clark, aka the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (as they were at the time).

Prince William x Princess Meghan Markle

Prince William x Princess Meghan Markle Together

Let’s hope that whoever comes up with the Royal codenames has given up with the clever wordplay at this point, however, as otherwise this leak could cause a serious future security breach. If some bad guy hears a couple of beefeaters talking about “Kevin Coleman” outside Buckingham Palace, for example, they might be able to put two and two together.
Speaking of secret messages, though, nowadays it’s Harry and Meghan themselves who are giving them out…

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