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Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ sequel rumors spread on purpose?



Prince Harry

There are rumors Prince Harry may write a sequel to his successful memoir ‘Spare’

Prince Harry has been encouraged to write another book after his memoir Spare was a huge success. An expert has also claimed that rumors of a sequel seem to have been spread on purpose.

Harry, the Duke of Sussex left readers in shock when he revealed inside information on the Royal Family in his memoir Spare, which was released in January 2023.

Now, celebrity ghostwriter Joshua Lisec has told The Mirror US that rumors about a sequel to Spare must’ve been spread on purpose to see the public’s reaction: “It seems that this rumor quote unquote leaked on purpose to see how the public would react, almost as market research to see do people go, ‘Wow yes that’s amazing,’ or, ‘Wait what we already know his story, he already did a book’.”

Lisec says it’s commercially sensible for the Prince to publish a follow-up since the first book was so successful.

He added: “That’s my hypothesis, that’s not based on any inside information besides what we know publishers are focused on which is book sales and when a book like Spare has been so successful, we understand that the publishing industry survives because of celebrity books. All else is a labor of love project.”

He noted: “It is celebrity books that keep the industry alive, they keep publishers semi-profitable and so you have one book that is as successful as Spare, it makes financial sense, it makes commercial sense to explore the possibility of a sequel.”

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